The RID Volunteer Leadership structure is comprised of the Board, along with Committees, Councils, and Task Forces.

If you are interested in serving as a RID volunteer, please complete and submit the volunteer leader application form. Volunteers are appointed after the biennial conference and serve until the conclusion of the next biennial conference.


RID has a number of standing committees, organized around a specific issue or responsibility.

Purpose: The Audit Committee is to assist/advise the Board of Directors in the oversight of organizational internal controls and risk management, and monitor, review, and report on the annual independent audit of the organization’s finances.

Reports to: Board of Directors

Board of Directors Liaison:Kathleen O’Regan, Treasurer

HQ Staff Liaison: Jennifer Apple

Frequency of Reports: As needed during the active audit period, culminating in a summary recommendations report at the conclusion of the annual audit. Quarterly reports on recommendation progress may be given during non-audit months.


  • Joshua Pennise (Chair)
  • Melissa Mittelstaedt
  • CASLI Treasurer

2023-2026 Scope of Work

For the term 2023-2026, the Audit Committee members are charged to complete the following tasks:

  1. Oversee matters related to RID’s internal systems controls.
    1. To provide an independent view and critique of management override of controls.
    2. To recommend appropriate internal controls toward mitigating possible fraud and reducing risk.
  2. Oversee the annual independent audit process.
    1. To assist with oversight in hiring independent auditors, counsel, or other consultants as necessary.
    2. To inquire of management and independent auditors about significant risks or exposure facing the organization.
    3. To review with management significant audit findings and recommendations together with management’s responses thereto.
    4. To review with management and the independent auditor the effect of any regulatory and accounting initiatives, as well as other unique transactions and financial relationships, if any.
  3. Oversee the appropriate preparation and dissemination of financial statements.
    1. To review with management and the independent auditors the organization’s annual financial statements and related footnotes, the auditor’s audit of the financial statements and their report thereon, and auditor’s judgments about the quality of the organization’s accounting principles as applied in its financial reporting.
    2. To review with the general counsel, management, and independent auditors any regulatory matters that may have an impact on the financial statements, related compliance policies, programs, and reports received from regulators.
  4. Prepare or oversee preparation of an audit committee annual report.
  5. Address items referred to the committee by the Board of Directors.

SOW was approved by the Board of Directors on April 14, 2023.

Purpose: The Bylaws Committee advises the RID Board of Directors with respect to the organization’s governing documents.

Reports to: Board of Directors

Board of Directors Liaison: TBD

HQ Staff Liaison: TBD


  • Andrea K. Smith
  • LaVona Andrew
  • Dawn McKenna

Frequency of Reports:    Monthly
Cumulative report: March 2019, March 2021

For the term 2017-2021, the Bylaws Committee members are charged to complete the following tasks:

  1. Reviews the bylaws periodically to ensure that they are up-to-date and compliant with current laws and Robert’s Rules of Order.
  2. When the need arises, propose amendments to the bylaws that reflect changes or nuances that the board identifies.
  3. Serve as the national Motions and Resolutions Committee throughout the term and during the biennial conference.
    1. Throughout the term and during national conference, the Bylaws Committee will collect and review all member motions and conference motions to ensure they are not in conflict with the RID Bylaws or organizational procedures.
    2. To assist the Chair of the Business Meeting in directing members who are commenting on motions to stand / sit in appropriate places.
    3. To assist members throughout the term and during the Business Meeting to formulate complete motions in writing prior to posing the motion.

Future Element

  1. Act as a resource to HQ and Affiliate Chapters in the development or revisions to the Affiliate Chapter bylaws and standing rules, and in maintaining compliance with the RID national bylaws.

Purpose: The RID Certification Committee advises the RID Board of Directors by recommending policies and standards related to the RID Certification system.

Reports to: RID Board of Directors

Board of Directors Liaison: TBD

HQ Staff Liaison: Catie Colamonico


  • Danny Maffia, Current Committee Chair
  • Rebecca De Santis, Current Committee Co-Chair
  • Antwan Campbell
  • Andrea K. Smith
  • Whitney Gissell
  • Ronnie Zuchengo
  • Brittany Quickel
  • Paris McTizic
  • Ashley Holladay (Staff Liaison)

Frequency of Reports:    Monthly
Cumulative Report: March 2019, March 2021

For the term 2017-2019, the RID Certification Committee members are charged to complete the following tasks:

1: Develop guidelines for recognizing credentials from entities other than RID.

  1. (CM 2007.04) Develop a set of guidelines for including membership and/or conferring of certified status, individuals who hold credentials from any entity other than RID; that these guidelines be approved by majority vote of the certified membership of RID; and that RID wait until the implementation of these guidelines prior to entering into further discussion, agreements, contracts or in any way incorporating non-RID certificates into our organization.
    • Provide recommendations to the RID Board. Recommendations are provided to the Board via the Board liaison.
  2. Explore options for granting specialty certification in legal, medical and other areas of practice.
    • Explore the concept of a portfolio for recognizing specialty credentials.
    • Provide recommendations to the Board for accepting specialty certification

2: Recommend to the Board requirements for granting RID generalist certification

  1. Explore what requirements must be met in addition to a passing score of a CASLI administered generalist exam to be granted National Interpreter Certification (NIC) and Certified Deaf Interpreter (CDI).
    • Determine if the current degree requirement should be a certification requirement or a testing requirement.
    • Determine if an affirmation of adherence to the Code of Professional Conduct, hours of training, or other requirements must be met for granting of certification.

3: Address additional items as they are referred to the committee by the Board of Directors.

Purpose: With advice from committee members, the RID board liaison and the Ethical Practice Systems (EPS) Administrator collectively propose a revisioning of the EPS system within RID.

Reports to: Board of Directors

Board of Directors Liaison: Jesús Remīgīo

HQ Staff Liaison: Tressela Bateson, EPS Manager

Committee Meetings:

The Ethics Committee will meet at least quarterly, and its Chair will have continued communication with its respective board and headquarters liaison. Any communication (i.e. reports, recommendations, requests), for board consideration, must be sent to the board liaison 10 days prior to a Board meeting. Board meeting schedule is linked here.


Via the PPM 2021 Committees are composed of the following. Note the roles and responsibilities of each can be found in Appendix F.

  1. Chair
  2. Committee Members
  3. Board Liaison
  4. Staff Liaison

Committee Objectives:

  1. (Timeline: 2020-2023) Utilizing the 2018 Ethical Practice Systems Review Task Force report, explores current trends in other similarly situated professions, drafts proposals to restructure the EPS in alignment with the 2021 drafted EPS philosophy statement while adhering to the Mission and Vision of RID.
  2. (Timeline: Ongoing) Supports the RID EPS Administrator with the following:
    • Requests for case review or guidance as needed;
    • Advisement regarding ongoing recruitment for EPS mediators;
    • Guidance on interpretations of current Ethics policy.
  3. (Timeline: 2020-2023) Collaboration with the Code of Professional Conduct Review Task Force (CPCTRF) about how a redrafted CPC/Code of Ethics will affect the following:
    • Ethical Practice System;
    • Disseminating these changes externally;
    • Needed training for RID members;
    • Needed for EPS staff members.

Purpose: The Finance Committee provides high-level oversight and recommendations on the budget to ensure alignment with RID’s mission and goals; review of fundraising opportunities and endeavors, recommendations for financial partnerships and trends; revenue targets in support of RID’s operational needs; and advice to the RID Treasurer on the Association funding needs, resource management and potential risks. In essence, the Finance Committee works with the RID Board of Directors to ensure RID financial accounts are managed effectively.

Reports to: RID Board of Directors

Board of Directors Liaison: Kate O’Regan

HQ Staff Liaison: Jennifer Apple

Frequency of Reports: Quarterly

Summary report: June


  • Justin Buckhold
  • Jonathan Cetrano
  • Scott Ready
  • Joey Seifner

The Finance Committee is also charged with supporting the Treasurer in helping to ensure RID’s financial stability by:

  1. monitoring adherence to the budget,
  2. monitoring quarterly financial statements and suggest adjustments to the Board to maintain a balanced budget,
  3. setting long-range financial goals along with funding strategies to achieve them,
  4. advise multi-year operating budgets that integrate strategic plan objectives and initiatives,
  5. working with headquarters staff to review the impact of the reported data on the organization, and
  6. assisting with the preparation of financial reports for presentation to the Board of Directors by the Treasurer

Purpose: The Professional Development Committee advises the RID Board of Directors and assists RID Headquarters, in the oversight of the policies and standards for the Certification Maintenance Program (CMP) and the Associate Continuing Education Tracking (ACET) program.

Reports to: Board of Directors

Board Liaison: Glenna Cooper

HQ Staff Liaison: Ashley Holladay


  • Richard Laurion (Chair)
  • Mary Darragh MacLean
  • Nathan Fowler
  • Leslie Decker
  • Fidel Torres

Frequency of Reports: Monthly
Cumulative report: March 2019, March 2021

For the 2017-2021 term, the Professional Development Committee is charged with the following:

1: Certification Maintenance Program

  1. Review the Standards and Criteria for compliance with industry norms and for management of online education.
    • Explore if the RID’s system could be, and should be, recognized as a full member of the International Association of Continuing Education and Tracking (IACET)
    • Explore ways to manage or document online education and some of the innovative courses interpreters are pursuing today.
    • Explore effective mechanisms for documenting academic studies.  A professional credentialing system’s education program typically documents continuing education and not degree seeking efforts.
    • Utilizing the information learned from Element #1. a. , Conduct a major review, revision and update of the CMP/ACET system.
    • In collaboration with key HQ staff, offer recommendations, to the RID Board, for consideration to enhance, and ensure relevancy, of the program
  1. Review the fees/costs of the program.
  2. Ensure that the program is self sustaining (cost-neutral) per member motion (C93.01)

2: Audit Program

  1. Review, in conjunction with the Board, the proposals from the 2015-2017 PDC.
  2. Ensure that steps are taken to continue to strengthen the Audit Program.
    • Create a system of auditor groups (separate but in communication with HQ and the PDC), who will conduct regular and ‘spot’-audits to ensure effective functioning of RID’s network of approved sponsors.
    • Offer recommendations, to the RID Board, for consideration to enhance, and ensure relevance and currency, of the program.
  1. Provide monthly reports to the Board providing the following information (not limited to):
    • Updates on the audit successes and failures.  Include steps that have been taken to ensure that the successes continue and the failures are addressed.

3: CMP Sponsors

  1. Create and offer regular sponsor training.
    • Work with HQ staff and key stakeholders to develop training opportunities for sponsors.
    • Offer regular training sessions- through webinar or in-person- for the purpose of keeping sponsors current on the appropriate management and delivery of sponsorship services to RID members.
  1. Monitor and respond to sponsor questions.
    • Work with HQ staff to provide regular monitoring of the sponsor list and respond as appropriate to questions, concerns, or issues raised by sponsors.

4: Conference motions

    1. Address C2015.05:
    • We move that 1.0 of the required 6.0 CEUs under the content area of Professional Studies be training related to topics of Power, Privilege, and Oppression. Be it further moved that the content area of Professional Studies include as a fourth category the topic of Power, Privilege, and Oppression. Be it further moved that the PDC will work with representatives from the Diversity Council, Deaf Advisory Council, Council of Elders, and Member Section leaders to identify the scope of topics to be included under the Professional Studies category of Power, Privilege, and Oppression.
    1. Work with the Pro Bono Ad Hoc Committee in their charge to address conference C2015.06:
    • Move that the RID Board of Directors establish an ad hoc committee to include representatives from the authors of this motion, a representative from the PDC, certified members, community stakeholders, including people who are not yet in support of this idea, to investigate the implementation of a system to document ProBono hours for members (certified and associate) during their four year cycle; Be it further moved that this committee shall be comprised of no less than 50% Deaf members.

Purpose: The Scholarships and Awards Committee solicits, reviews, and selects recipients for the association’s scholarships and awards.

Reports to: Board of Directors

Board of Directors Liaison: Christina Stevens, Region I Representative

HQ Staff Liaison: Ryan Butts


  • None

For the term 2017-2021, Scholarships and Awards Committee members are charged to complete the following tasks:

1: Manage the nomination/application process for awards and scholarships

a. Evaluate and establish selection process inclusive of Deaf and diverse perspectives.
b. Promote the scholarships and awards to the RID membership
c. Solicit applications and nominations
d. Select the final recipients

2: Present the scholarships and awards to the recipients at the 2019 National Conference.


Councils are made up of individuals who have many years of experience in the interpreting profession.

Purpose:  The Council of Elders’ primary function is to furnish the President and the Board with historical insights that reinforce the Board’s dedication to maintaining RID’s historical legacy and infusing it into all aspects of the Board’s decision-making.

Reports to:  RID Board of Directors

Board of Directors Liason: Ritchie Bryant, President

HQ Staff Liaison: TBD

Members Appointed: TBD

Frequency of Reports: Quarterly 

Summary Report: October 2024

Council of Elders Commitment

The annual onboarding training is mandatory for all committee members to ensure their work aligns with the Board’s Mission, Purpose, Vision, and Values. Additionally, members must stay current with best practices in the interpreting field. Joining the committee involves a significant commitment, including a minimum of four hours per month for group work and virtual meetings, with a total of 40 hours for deliverable completion (subject to change). The board liaison will appoint HQ staff to coordinate and ensure the timeline of the committee work will be followed and completed according to the deliverables. The committee will be reappointed annually based on organizational needs.

Members who cannot fulfill their responsibilities, including but not limited to review of materials and meeting attendance, are expected to re-evaluate their ability to remain on the committee. Please communicate with the Liaison Ritchie Bryant if your commitment changes.

Council of Elders Objectives:

  • To assess the feasibility of converting Tri-councils to DEIAB council and to develop detailed action plans for the redesign of DEIAB principles regarding workflow for motions and policies.
  • To serve as a reliable resource for sharing relevant information and providing valuable recommendations to the Board, fostering an environment of collaboration and knowledge sharing.
  • To conduct thorough reviews and provide guidance to the board of directors in relation to motions and policies, ensuring that all recommendations are communicated and implemented within the specified deadlines.
  • To work closely with the Board of Directors to uphold and preserve cultural norms, the foundations of ASL, and respect for the Deaf and RID heritage, emphasizing the importance of these values throughout the project’s lifecycle.

Workgroup Deliverables:  For the term 2024-2025, the Council of Elders members are charged to complete the following tasks:

  • Conduct research and formulate recommendations to assess the feasibility of establishing a DEAIAB council, replacing the existing tri-councils.
  • Review of RID motions and policies within a turnaround time of ten days before quarterly board meetings.
  • Submit and presentation of a report by the council representative during the board meetings.
  • Identification and documentation of barriers within the RID PPM, presented to the board for review and action.
  • Final comprehensive report summarizing the committee’s work, findings, recommendations, and outcomes.

Purpose:  The Deaf Advisory Council advises to the RID Board of Directors to maintain the Board’s commitment to ensuring that the Deaf perspective is integrated into all issues brought before the Board and the association.

Reports to: Board of Directors

Board of Directors Liason: Ritchie Bryant, President

HQ Staff Liason: TBD

Members Appointed: TBD

Frequency of Reports: Quarterly 

Summary Report: October 2024

Council Commitment

The annual onboarding training is mandatory for all committee members to ensure their work aligns with the Board’s Mission, Purpose, Vision, and Values. Additionally, members must stay current with best practices in the interpreting field. Joining the committee involves a significant commitment, including at minimum of four hours per month for group work and virtual meetings, with a total of 40 hours for deliverable completion (subject to change). The board liaison will appoint HQ staff to coordinate and ensure the timeline of the committee work will be followed and completed according to the deliverables. The committee will be reappointed annually based on organizational needs.

Members who cannot fulfill their responsibilities, including but not limited to review of materials and meeting attendance, are expected to re-evaluate their ability to remain on the committee. Please communicate with the Liaison Ritchie Bryant if your commitment changes.

Deaf Advisory Council Objectives:

  • To assess the feasibility of converting Tri-councils to DEIAB council and to develop detailed action plans for the redesign of DEIAB principles regarding workflow for motions and policies.
  • To serve as a reliable resource for sharing relevant information and providing valuable recommendations to the Board, fostering an environment of collaboration and knowledge sharing.
  • To conduct thorough reviews and provide guidance to the board of directors in relation to motions and policies, ensuring that all recommendations are communicated and implemented within the specified deadlines.
  • To work closely with the Board of Directors to uphold and preserve cultural norms, the foundations of ASL, and respect for the Deaf and RID heritage, emphasizing the importance of these values throughout the project’s lifecycle.

Workgroup Deliverables:  For the term 2024-2025, the Deaf Advisory Council  members are charged to complete the following tasks:

  • Conduct research and formulate recommendations to assess the feasibility of establishing a DEAIAB council, replacing the existing tri-councils.
  • Review of RID motions and policies within a turnaround time of ten days before quarterly board meetings.
  • Submit and presentation of a report by the council representative during the board meetings.
  • Identification and documentation of barriers within the RID PPM, presented to the board for review and action.
  • Final comprehensive report summarizing the committee’s work, findings, recommendations, and outcomes.

Purpose:  Diversity Council advises the RID Board of Directors to uphold the Board’s desire to ensure that diversity and inclusion are embodied in all matters before the Board and the association. Specifically, it assists the RID Board of Directors in promoting equity, diversity, inclusion, accessibility and belonging within the association; develops recommendations on how to make RID’s membership and leadership more diverse and inclusive; and assists in developing diversity programs and initiatives. 

Reports to:  RID Board of Directors

Board of Directors Liason:Ritchie Bryant

RID HQ Staff Liaison: TBD

Members Appointed: TBD

Frequency of Reports: Quarterly 

Summary Report: October 2024

Diversity Council Commitment

The annual onboarding training is mandatory for all committee members to ensure their work aligns with the Board’s Mission, Purpose, Vision, and Values. Additionally, members must stay current with best practices in the interpreting field. Joining the committee involves a significant commitment, including a minimum of four hours per month for group work and virtual meetings, with a total of 40 hours for deliverable completion (subject to change). The board liaison will appoint HQ staff to coordinate and ensure the timeline of the committee work will be followed and completed according to the deliverables. The committee will be reappointed annually based on organizational needs.

Members who cannot fulfill their responsibilities, including but not limited to review of materials and meeting attendance, are expected to re-evaluate their ability to remain on the committee. Please communicate with the Liaison Ritchie Bryant if your commitment changes.

Diversity Council Objectives:

  • To assess the feasibility of converting Tri-councils to DEIAB council and to develop detailed action plans for the redesign of DEIAB principles regarding workflow for motions and policies.
  • To serve as a reliable resource for sharing relevant information and providing valuable recommendations to the Board, fostering an environment of collaboration and knowledge sharing.
  • To conduct thorough reviews and provide guidance to the board of directors in relation to motions and policies, ensuring that all recommendations are communicated and implemented within the specified deadlines.
  • To work closely with the Board of Directors to uphold and preserve cultural norms, the foundations of ASL, and respect for the Deaf and RID heritage, emphasizing the importance of these values throughout the project’s lifecycle.

Workgroup Deliverables:  For the term 2024-2025, the Diversity Council members are charged to complete the following tasks:

  • Conduct research and formulate recommendations to assess the feasibility of establishing a DEAIAB council, replacing the existing tri-councils.
  • Review of RID motions and policies within a turnaround time of ten days before quarterly board meetings.
  • Submit and presentation of a report by the council representative during the board meetings.
  • Identification and documentation of barriers within the RID PPM, presented to the board for review and action.
  • Final comprehensive report summarizing the committee’s work, findings, recommendations, and outcomes.

Task Forces.

Task Forces have specific goals, and may be disbanded when those goals are met. The task force is led by the staff and board liaisons, working to meet the assigned scope of work.

SCOPE OF WORK 2019-2021

RID Board Liaison: Jesús Remīgīo, RID VP


  • Ellen Roth (RID)
  • Holly Nelson (RID)
  • Janis Cole (NAD)
  • Stephanie Clark (NAD)
  • Evon Black (NBDA)
  • Ronise Barreras (Council de Manos)


1: Compile and review historical information and documents related to previous and current codes of ethics/CPC

    • Provide information in a format publically available and accessible.

2: Provide recommended revisions.

    • Revisions should consider immediate changes in order to support the work of the Ethical Practice System. The recommendations will be brought to the RID membership for review, deliberation and decision.
    • Revisions should include long term changes in order to re-orient the CPC to a value-based framework
      • Input shall be collected from relevant stakeholders
      • Input shall be collected from the RID membership for consideration
    • Explore and present a change to the name of the ethical code
      • The name should represent the purpose and content of the code

3: Envision and Develop CPC materials

    • Materials to aid in education
    • Materials to aid in advocacy

4: Outline and propose a regular schedule for review of the ethical code to ensure relevancy and applicability

    • Provide recommendations to the RID Board for the need to create a standing committee, including a potential scope of work.

5: Present Quarterly reports to the RID Board of Directors

    • Reports are submitted via Board liaisons.


  • FINAL REPORT: Spring 2020
    • Final report to include (but not limited to): (note- the request for a final report is to receive information completed during the 2015-2017 term)
      • Successes completed during term.
      • Challenges faced during term.
      • Recommendations for updates to the scope of work to allow for the completion of the task force’s work.
    • Provide updates to the Board of Directors, via the Board liaison, for each Board meeting.
    • Note, reports must be submitted to the Board 10 days prior to each Board meeting. Work with the Board liaison to confirm meeting dates.


Low, unless otherwise noted.


The Task Force shall work with Councils, Committees and/or Task Forces as necessary. Board liaisons will assist in creating the collaborative connection.

For the 2019-2021 term, the CPC Review Task Force members are charged with the following:

  1. To collect Community feedback on the 2005 CPC.
  2. To review, revise and strengthen the CPC.
  3. To participate in a review of the overall program and policies in an effort to maximize efficient use of volunteer resources.
  4. To comply with the 2013 RID Business Meeting motion E.
  5. To address items referred to the task force by the board of directors.



The RID DeafBlind Task Force is composed of members who have combined aural and visual loss. This unit is tasked by the RID Board of Directors that passed a motion in February of 2021 to improve all communication and information accessible for the DeafBlind consumers. The unit’s primary work is to advise, address, analyze, test, and recommend accessibility access on website pages and media managed by RID. 

Reports to: RID Board of Directors

Board of Directors Liaison: Jason Hurdich

HQ Staff Liaison: Jenelle Bloom

Frequency of report: Monthly summary up to six months term from August to January 2022. 

Scope of Work

  1. Members of this unit shall and hereby collaborate with RID Board of Directors in assessing media accessibility and possibly review or suggest the inclusion of CASLI practices for certification DeafBlind interpreting. 
  2. Members in the unit are to assess every page of RID context, review links, and test accessibility formats in regards to changing the size of context, inverting colors and functions for Braille users. 
  3. The members of the unit are to report to the chair of the DeafBlind Task Force addressing issues and providing recommendations in improving access points for the DeafBlind consumers. 
  4. Each member of the unit is assigned to analyze and test various RID media in the following:
    • Website
    • Facebook
    • X (formerly known as Twitter)
    • Instagram
    • all forms by word and pdf formats
    • web forms and membership portal
    • payment portal (for dues, registration for workshops and conventions)
  1. The members of this unit are to make recommendations valid in terms of identifying elements such as pictures and videos. — Pictures accommodated alt description text
    • vlogs shall be in compliance by including transcripts of spoken and/or signing productions.
    • In addition to practice including description of who the person is seen as, gender, race if known, hair color, clothing, and background.

Chair of the DeafBlind Task Force, Tara L. Invid@to, M.Ed

Scope of Work (SOW)

October 2019

  1. Investigate how to best establish a national credentialing system for legal/court interpreters.
  2. Collaborate with various stakeholders such as but not limited to NBDA, NAD, CASLI, NCSC, HEARD, among others.
    • Community stakeholders must be reflective of the diverse communities we serve within the criminal justice system
  3. Explore the possibility of the courts taking ownership of credentialing, ASL-English and CDI, interpreters through a collective body.
    • Work with legislative entities to garner information and guidance
    • Explore current legislative guidelines regarding credentialing


  • TF to be selected by Oct 2019
  • Report back Dec 2020 to membership
  • Completed when a recommendation for testing/credentialing has been established

Established and approved October 2019

Members Assigned:

  • Amy Williamson
  • Carla Mathers
  • Cheryl Thomas
  • Denise Martinez
  • Jo Linda Greenfield
  • Jon Lamberton
  • Judy Shepard-Kegl
  • June Prusak
  • Margie English

Purpose: The purpose of the Religious Interpreting Task Force conduct research and provide recommendations on the potential establishment of a religious interpreting section and standards within RID, with a focus on improving access to religious services for the deaf and hard-of-hearing community, with a focus on ensuring that the project stays within scope, budget, and timeline.

Reports to: RID Board of Directors, Jessica Eubank

Frequency of Reports: Quarterly 

Summary Report: October 2024

Committee/Task Force/Council/Workgroup Commitment

The annual onboarding training is mandatory for all task force members to ensure their work aligns with the Board’s Mission, Purpose, Vision, and Values. Additionally, members must stay current with best practices in the interpreting field. Joining the task force involves a significant commitment, including a minimum of 10 hours per month for group work and face-to-face meetings, with a total of 120 hours for deliverable completion (subject to change). The board liaison will appoint HQ staff to coordinate and ensure the timeline of the task force work will be followed and completed according to the deliverables. The task force will be reappointed annually based on organizational needs.

Members who cannot fulfill their responsibilities, including but not limited to review of materials and meeting attendance, are expected to re-evaluate their ability to remain on the committee. Please communicate with the Liaison Jessica Eubank if your commitment changes.

Committee/Task Force/Council/Workgroup Objectives:

  1. Define and document project requirements and objectives
  2. Develop project plans and schedules
  3. Monitor project progress and regularly report to stakeholders
  4. Identify and mitigate project risks
  5. Ensure that project deliverables meet quality standards
  6. Maintain open communication with project stakeholders and make necessary adjustments as needed.

Workgroup Deliverables: For the term of 2024 to 2025, the Religious Interpreting Taskforce members are charged to complete the following tasks:

  • Provide a research report on the current state of religious interpreting services, including the needs and challenges faced by deaf and hard-of-hearing individuals who require religious interpreting services.
  • Provide a summary of feedback and input from the deaf and hard-of-hearing community on their experiences with religious interpreting services.
  • Provide a summary of feedback and input from the diverse working interpreters from various backgrounds on their experiences with religious interpreting services.
  • Create a feasibility report on the potential incorporation of a religious interpreting section within RID, including an analysis of the resources and infrastructure needed to support such a section.
  • Identification of potential partnerships and collaborations with religious organizations and other relevant stakeholders to support the mission of the religious interpreting section within RID.

Meeting minutes: Detailed notes of each meeting capture the discussion, decisions, and actions taken.

Final report: A comprehensive report that summarizes the committee’s work, including its findings, recommendations, and outcomes.

This Task Force is no longer active.

This Task Force was active but has since been dissolved. This page is being kept for archival purposes. The information about the Strategic Challenges Bylaws Review Task Force below:

  • The Strategic Challenges Bylaws Review Task Force (SCBRTF) was to advise the RID Board of Directors in a thorough review, and to make recommendations on Motions E – S from the 2007 RID Conference Business Meeting.

Scope of Previous Work

For the term 2009-2011, the Strategic Challenges Bylaws Review Task Force members were charged to complete the following tasks:

  • Gather member input on Motions E-S and related issues and provide the board of directors with recommendations.
  • Be available to host or participate in a forum at national conferences.
  • Address items referred to the committee by the board of directors.

How often does it meet?

The task force generally holds at least bi-monthly conference call meetings each year (visually accessible conference calls, when appropriate). Between conference calls, email correspondence occurs to further the work of the task force. Face-to-Face meetings, which are budgeted for and hosted on an as-needed basis, are decided upon by the board and RID Headquarters office staff. The task force must submit a request to the board including a clear rationale for the face-to-face along with an agenda of the work to be accomplished during the meeting time. Additional travel for meetings and/or educational initiatives may be necessary depending on the scope of work.

Who pays my expenses?

Volunteer leaders, if approved, for travel to attend a face-to-face meeting will be reimbursed travel and lodging expenses and given per diem for meals. (See Volunteer Leadership Manual for additional details regarding reimbursements.) All other extraneous travel requests may be discussed on a case-by-case basis with the board and RID Headquarters office staff liaisons.

What are my responsibilities as a Volunteer Leader?

Volunteer Leaders are expected to attend all task force meetings and assist in accomplishing the tasks set forth in the scope of work and ultimately support the implementation of RID’s Strategic Plan. An agenda must be developed prior to each meeting with each agenda item pointing to a task within the scope of work. (See Volunteer Leadership Manual for more information regarding position descriptions for each volunteer leader.)

The task force will review the scope of work and provide feedback related to the tasks, priorities, timelines, workflow, etc. Should the task force seek to address a project or issue outside the originally assigned scope of work, a formal request for that work assignment would need to be made via the progress report. Changes in the task force’s scope of work must have prior approval from the board.

At the end of the term, the task force will submit a final profess report to the board indicating the outcomes of the task force term, as well as make recommendations for future projects and initiatives for consideration by the board.

Member Sections

RID’s Member Sections (MS) provide a relationship-building forum for RID members to share common interests, goals and concerns that are also consistent with RID’s mission and values.

As formally recognized groups of RID members, Member Sections can hold meetings at the biennial conference, regional conferences and other functions sponsored by RID or its affiliate chapters. Additionally, Member Sections frequently contribute articles to VIEWS, RID’s quarterly newsletter, to share their discussions with the entire membership.

BLeGIT* Member Section
DeafBlind Member Section
Deaf Caucus Member Section
Deaf-Parented Interpreters Member Section
Interpreters and Transliterators of Color Member Section
Interpreter Service Managers Member Section
Interpreters in Healthcare Member Section
Interpreters in Educational Instructional Settings
Legal Interpreters Member Section
Student Member Section
Video Interpreter Member Section

Volunteer With Us!

You can find the Volunteer Leadership application here!