State-by-State Regulations for Interpreters and Transliterators.
The information reported here is intended for informational use only and should not be construed as legal advice. For the exact licensure, certification, registration, or other requirements in your state, please contact the appropriate licensure board or regulatory agency.
Summary of State Requirements
- Certification requirements for legal interpreters and transliterators
- Certification requirements for mental health interpreters
State Officials and Legislative Information
- Find elected officials in Alabama
- Track current legislation before the Alabama Legislature
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State Officials and Legislative Information
- Find elected official in Arizona
- Track current legislation before the Arizona Legislature
State Licensure Information
Contact Information
Summary of State Requirements
- Licensing requirements for sign language interpreters and transliterators
State Officials and Legislative Information
- Track current legislation before the Arkansas Legislature
Contact Information
Summary of State Requirements
- There are currently no licensing requirements for sign language interpreters and transliterators
- Certification requirements for legal interpreters and transliterators
- Certification requirements for educational interpreters
State Officials and Legislative Information
- Find elected official in California
- Track current legislation before the California Legislature
Contact Information
State Officials and Legislative Information
- Track current legislation before the Colorado Legislature
Contact Information
Summary of State Requirements
- Registration requirements for sign language interpreters and transliterators
- Registration requirements for legal interpreters and transliterators
- Registration requirements for educational interpreters and transliterators
- Registration requirements for medical interpreters and transliterators
State Officials and Legislative Information
- Find elected official in Connecticut
- Track current legislation before the Connecticut Legislature
Contact Information
Summary of State Requirements
- There are currently no licensing requirements for sign language interpreters and transliterators
- Requirements for legal interpreters and transliterators
- Certification requirements for educational interpreters
State Officials and Legislative Information
- Find elected official in Delaware
- Track current legislation before the Delaware Legislature
Contact Information
- There is currently no chapter of Delaware RID
- Delaware Association of the Deaf (DAD)
Summary of State Requirements
- There are currently no licensing requirements for sign language interpreters and transliterators
State Officials and Legislative Information
- Find elected official in District of Columbia
- Track current legislation before the District of Columbia City Council
Contact Information
Summary of State Requirements
- Currently there are no licensing requirements for sign language interpreters and transliterators
- Qualified Interpreter requirements for legal interpreters and transliterators
State Officials and Legislative Information
- Find elected official in Florida
- Track current legislation before the Florida Legislature
Contact Information
Summary of State Requirements
- There are currently no licensing requirements for sign language interpreters and transliterators
- Guidelines for state agencies hiring sign language interpreters and transliterators
- Certification requirements for legal interpreters and transliterators
Contact Information
Summary of State Requirements
- Licensure qualifications for Sign Language Interpreters here
- Administrative code regarding sign language interpreters here
- Certification requirements for educational interpreters
State Officials and Legislative Information
- Find elected official in Idaho
- Track current legislation before the Idaho Legislature
Contact Information
Summary of State Requirements
Licensing requirements for sign language interpreters and transliterators
Rules for licensing requirements
Certification requirements for legal interpreters and transliterations
State Officials and Legislative Information
Find elected official in Illinois
Track current legislation before the Illinois Legislature
Contact Information
Summary of State Requirements
- Certification requirements for sign language interpreters and transliterators
State Officials and Legislative Information
- Find elected official in Indiana
- Track current legislation before the Indiana Legislature
Contact Information
Summary of State Requirements
- Licensing requirements for sign language interpreters and transliterators
- Rules for licensing interpreters and transliterators
- Certification requirements for educational interpreters
State Officials and Legislative Information
- Find elected official in Iowa
- Track current legislation before the Iowa Legislature
Contact Information
Summary of State Requirements
- Registration requirements for sign language interpreters and transliterators
- Certification requirements for educational interpreters (See page 35)
State Officials and Legislative Information
- Find elected official in Kansas
- Track current legislation before the Kansas Legislature
Contact Information
Summary of State Requirements
- Licensing requirements for sign language interpreters and transliterators
- Licensing requirements for legal interpreters and transliterators
State Officials and Legislative Information
- Track current legislation before the Kentucky Legislature
Contact Information
Summary of State Requirements
- There are currently no licensing requirements for sign language interpreters and transliterators
- Registration requirements for legal interpreters and transliterators
- Certification requirements for educational interpreters and transliterators
State Officials and Legislative Information
- Find elected official in Louisiana
- Track current legislation before the Louisiana Legislature
Contact Information
Summary of State Requirements
- Licensing requirements for sign language interpreters and transliterators
- Rules for sign language interpreters and transliterators
- Licensing requirements for legal interpreters and transliterators
- Licensing requirements for educational interpreters
State Officials and Legislative Information
- Find elected official in Maine
- Track current legislation before the Maine Legislature
Contact Information
Summary of State Requirements
- There are currently no licensing requirements for sign language interpreters and transliterators
- Certification requirements for legal interpreters and transliterators
State Officials and Legislative Information
- Find elected official in Maryland
- Track current legislation before the Maryland Legislature
Contact Information
Summary of State Requirements
- There are currently no licensing requirements for sign language interpreters and transliterators
- Certification requirements for educational interpreters
State Officials and Legislative Information
- Find elected official in Massachusetts
- Track current legislation before the Massachusetts Legislature
Contact Information
State Officials and Legislative Information
- Find elected official in Michigan
- Track current legislation before the Michigan Legislature
Contact Information
Summary of State Requirements
- There are currently no licensing requirements for sign language interpreters and transliterators
- Certification requirements for legal interpreters and transliterators
- Certification requirements for educational interpreters
State Officials and Legislative Information
- Find elected official in Minnesota
- Track current legislation before the Minnesota Legislature
Contact Information
Summary of State Requirements
- Registration requirements for sign language interpreters and transliterators
- Certification requirements for legal interpreters and transliterators
- Registration requirements for educational interpreters
State Officials and Legislative Information
- Find elected official in Mississippi
- Track current legislation before the Mississippi Legislature
Contact Information
Summary of State Requirements
- Licensing requirements for sign language interpreters and transliterators
- Rules for interpreters and transliterators
- Certification requirements for legal interpreters and transliterators
- Certification requirements for educational interpreters
State Officials and Legislative Information
- Find elected official in Missouri
- Track current legislation before the Missouri Legislature
Contact Information
Summary of State Requirements
- There are currently no licensing requirements for sign language interpreters and transliterators
- Certification requirements for educational interpreters
State Officials and Legislative Information
- Find elected official in Montana
- Track current legislation before the Montana Legislature
Contact Information
Summary of State Requirements
- Licensing requirements for sign language interpreters and transliterators
- Licensing requirements for legal interpreters and transliterators
State Officials and Legislative Information
- Find elected official in Nebraska
- Track current legislation before the Nebraska Legislature
Contact Information
Summary of State Requirements
- Registration requirements for sign language interpreters and transliterators
- Regulations for registration requirements
- Registration requirements for legal interpreters and transliterators
- Registration requirements for educational interpreters (Page 6)
State Officials and Legislative Information
- Find elected official in Nevada
- Track current legislation before the Nevada Legislature
Contact Information
Summary of State Requirements
- Licensing requirements for sign language interpreters and transliterators
- Rules for licensing interpreters
- Licensing requirements for legal interpreters and transliterators
State Officials and Legislative Information
- Find elected official in New Hampshire
- Track current legislation before the New Hampshire Legislature
Contact Information
Summary of State Requirements
- There are currently no licensing requirements for sign language interpreters and transliterators
Contact Information
Summary of State Requirements
- Certification requirements for legal interpreters and transliterators
State Officials and Legislative Information
- Find elected official in New Mexico
- Track current legislation before the New Mexico Legislature
Contact Information
Summary of State Requirements
- There are currently no licensing requirements for sign language interpreters and transliterators
- Requirements for educational interpreters vary by school district
State Officials and Legislative Information
- Track current legislation before the New York Legislature
Contact Information
- New York RID Affiliate Chapters
Summary of State Requirements
- Licensing requirements for sign language interpreters and transliterators
- Rules for licensing requirements
- Information for educational interpreters
State Officials and Legislative Information
- Track current legislation before the North Carolina Legislature
Contact Information
Summary of State Requirements
- Certification requirements for sign language interpreters and transliterators
- Requirements for educational interpreters
State Officials and Legislative Information
- Find elected official in North Dakota
- Track current legislation before the North Dakota Legislature
Summary of State Requirements
- There are currently no licensing requirements for sign language interpreters and transliterators
- Certification requirements for legal interpreters and transliterators
- Licensing requirements for educational interpreters
State Officials and Legislative Information
- Find elected official in Ohio
- Track current legislation before the Ohio Legislature
Contact Information
Summary of State Requirements
- There are currently no licensing requirements for sign language interpreters and transliterators
State Officials and Legislative Information
- Find elected official in Oklahoma
- Track current legislation before the Oklahoma Legislature
Contact Information
Summary of State Requirements
- There are currently no licensing requirements for sign language interpreters and transliterators
- Certification requirements for Legal Interpreters and Transliterators
- 2017 ORS 413.550 definitions for Healthcare Interpreters
State Officials and Legislative Information
- Find elected official in Oregon
- Track current legislation before the Oregon Legislature
Contact Information
Summary of State Requirements
- Registration requirements for sign language interpreters and transliterators
- Certification requirements for legal interpreters and transliterators
- Requirements for educational interpreters
State Officials and Legislative Information
- Find elected official in Pennsylvania
- Track current legislation before the Pennsylvania Legislature
Contact Information
Summary of State Requirements
- Licensing requirements for sign language interpreters and transliterators
- Rules and Regulations for licensing requirements
- Licensing requirements for legal interpreters and transliterators
- Licensing requirements for educational interpreters
State Officials and Legislative Information
- Find elected official in Rhode Island
Contact Information
Summary of State Requirements
- There are currently no licensing requirements for sign language interpreters and transliterators
- Requirements for legal interpreters and transliterators
State Officials and Legislative Information
- Find elected official in South Carolina
- Track current legislation before the South Carolina Legislature
Contact Information
State Officials and Legislative Information
- Find elected officials in South Dakota
- Track current legislation before the South Dakota Legislature
Contact Information
Summary of State Requirements
- There are currently no licensing requirements for sign language interpreters and transliterators
State Officials and Legislative Information
- Find elected official in Tennessee
- Track current legislation before the Tennessee Legislature
Contact Information
Summary of State Requirements
- Registry of qualified sign language interpreters and transliterators
- Requirements for legal interpreters and transliterators
- Certification requirements for educational interpreters
State Officials and Legislative Information
- Find elected official in Texas
- Track current legislation before the Texas Legislature
Contact Information
Summary of State Requirements
- Certification requirements for sign language interpreters and transliterators
- Certification requirements for educational interpreters
State Officials and Legislative Information
- Find elected official in Utah
- Track current legislation before the Utah Legislature
Contact Information
Summary of State Requirements
- There are currently no licensing requirements for sign language interpreters and transliterators
- Requirements for legal interpreters and transliterators
State Officials and Legislative Information
- Find elected official in Vermont
- Track current legislation before the Vermont Legislature
Contact Information
Summary of State Requirements
- There are currently no licensing requirements for sign language interpreters and transliterators
State Officials and Legislative Information
- Find elected official in Virginia
- Track current legislation before the Virginia Legislature
Contact Information
Summary of State Requirements
- There are currently no licensing requirements for sign language interpreters and transliterators
- Certification requirements for legal interpreters and transliterators
State Officials and Legislative Information
- Find elected official in Washington
- Track current legislation before the Washington Legislature
Contact Information
Summary of State Requirements
- Registration requirements for sign language interpreters and transliterators
- Requirements for educational interpreters
Contact Information
Summary of State Requirements
- Certification requirements for legal interpreters and transliterators
State Officials and Legislative Information
- Find elected official in Wisconsin
- Track current legislation before the Wisconsin Legislature
Contact Information
Summary of State Requirements
- There are currently no licensing requirements for sign language interpreters and transliterators
- Permit requirements for educational interpreters
State Officials and Legislative Information
- Find elected official in Wyoming
- Track current legislation before the Wyoming Legislature
Summary of State Requirements
- Licensing requirements for sign language interpreters and transliterators
- Certification requirements for legal interpreters and transliterators
- Certification requirements for educational interpreters
State Officials and Legislative Information
- Find elected official in Puerto Rico
- Track current legislation before the Puerto Rico Legislature
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