Board of Directors Nomination Form

  • 2024 Board Nominations are open Monday, July 15 - Monday, August 12, 2024 at 11:59 pm PT. Do you want to nominate a candidate for the RID Board of Directors? Please complete the form below!
  • In accordance with Motion C89.11, RID requires that a nominee must both be an RID member as well as a voting member of an Affiliate Chapter. This is denoted under Section 3, Voting Rights and Requirements, of the RID Bylaws. This is referred to as the "Dual Membership Agreement." Is this nominee a voting member of an Affiliate Chapter?
  • If you know the nominee's email address, then please enter it below. This is optional, but preferred. This helps the person be informed of their nomination - they will get an automated notification.
  • Below, fill out your own information. You must be an eligible voting member of RID to make a nomination.
  • Clear Signature

Other Related Links and Information

Current Term of Office

  • Three year period. The next Term of Office: September 1, 2021 – September 1, 2024.

Qualifications for Office

  • With the exception of the member-at-large positions, all members of the RID Board of Directors must be certified members in good standing for at least four (4) consecutive years immediately prior to candidacy. The member-at-large must be a certified and/or associate member in good standing for at least four (4) consecutive years immediately prior to candidacy.

General Nomination Information for the RID Board of Directors

  • An individual must be nominated for office. RID encourages members to nominate those they feel are best qualified to lead the association.
  • Any voting member in good standing may nominate candidates for office.
  • Candidates must receive nomination signatures from at least 25 voting members in good standing.
  • Nominations for the executive board must include at least one member in good standing from each of the five regions.
  • When more than one person is nominated for a position, an election will be held


  • Represent the corporation in all appropriate activities.
  • Preside at meetings of the members and/or Directors.
  • Appoint committees.
  • Retain authority to co-sign checks with the Treasurer or any other designated person through action of the Board of Directors.
  • Provide at least quarterly reports to the membership concerning business, Board of Directors activities, and financial status of the corporation.
  • Serve as liaison to the national office as the Board representative.
  • Oversee the performance of the Chief Executive Officer of the corporation as guided by the Board of Directors.

Vice President

  • The Vice President of the Board is prepared at all times to assume the role of Board President, if necessary. The Vice President may serve in the President’s place for Board activities and in the spokesperson capacity.
  • The President may delegate special assignments to the Vice President, who also works closely with the organization’s CEO to carry out the Board’s vision and directives.
  • Oversee the training of incoming Board members and committee chairs.


  • Keep a complete and accurate record of the proceedings of the Board of Directors.
  • Serve as Secretary of the corporation. Ensure the integrity of the governance framework, being responsible for the efficient administration of the association. Ensure compliance with statutory and regulatory requirements and implementation of decisions made by the Board of Directors.
  • Supervise the keeping of all corporation records.
  • Retain authority to co-sign checks with the President or any other person designated through action of the Board of Directors.
  • Ensure timely response to member correspondence to the Board.


  • Oversee the RID’s overall financial position.
  • Collaborate with the national office leadership to:
    • Prepare the association’s annual budget and present it to the Board.
    • Monitor income and expenditures by comparing the actual and budgeted figures.
    • Review financial statements at least quarterly.
    • Monitor the association’s investments.
    • Consult on programs and services (new and old) which impact the budget during monthly meetings.
    • Ensure the timely and accurate filing of required tax documents.
  • Chair the Finance Committee.
  • Meet with auditor to review annual reports and management letters.

Deaf Member-at-Large

  • Assist with the coordination of activities and communication within the association.
  • Work with the Member-at-Large to oversee the maintenance and revisions of the Policies and Procedures Manual and volunteer leadership documents.


  • Assist with the coordination of activities and communication within the association.
  • Work with the Deaf Member-at-Large to oversee the maintenance and revisions of the Policies and Procedures Manual and volunteer leadership documents.

Current Term of Office

  • The next Term of Office: September 1, 2023 – September 2, 2026. Region Representatives shall serve three years terms. No region representative shall hold the same office for more than three consecutive terms. Region representatives shall be elected by ballot during non-biennial meeting years, and their term of office shall commence thirty days after elections during that year, but no later than September 1st, providing they are not already serving an unfinished term of office.

Qualifications for Office

  • With the exception of the members-at-large positions (MAL and DMAL), all members of the RID Board of Directors must be certified members in good standing for at least four (4) consecutive years immediately prior to candidacy. Furthermore, all candidates for region representative shall have been residents of their respective regions for at least two consecutive years immediately prior to candidacy.

General Nomination Information for the RID Board of Directors

  • An individual must be nominated for office. RID encourages members to nominate those they feel are best qualified to lead the association.
  • Any voting member in good standing may nominate candidates for office.
  • Candidates must receive nomination signatures from at least 25 voting members, in good standing, from their respective regions.
  • Nominations for the executive board must include at least one member in good standing from each of the five regions.
  • When more than one person is nominated for a position, an election will be held

The information on special elections from the Policies and Procedures Manual can be found here:

You can find Board Meeting Agendas here on the Governance page: