Maintenance and Education.
Understanding How Your CEU Totals are Displayed
- YOUR PORTAL – On the main screen in your portal, locate the Certification Details displaying your CEU breakdown. You will also find your certification cycle beginning and end dates!
- CEU PROGRESS – Your progress is shown here, including Professional Studies (PS) CEUs and General Studies (GS) CEUs. **Only up to 2 GS CEUs can be counted for certification maintenance purposes.
- PPO CEU PROGRESS – This line only keeps track of your PPO CEU progress. Do not include this number in your total. PPO CEUs are a sub-category of Professional Studies; those CEUs are part of your PS total, not in addition to it.
- REVIEW YOUR TOTAL – Review your total CEUs earned line. Your total will not include the number shown to the right of your PPO tracking line. CALCULATING RECAP – SKIP THE PPO LINE! In short, use the PPO CEU line as a tracking feature for yourself! These CEUs will always be calculated into your total. Just remember the requirement, 1.0 of your PS CEUs must be PPO.
Happy learning!
Question? No problem! Visit our faqs page or email us at!
Certification Maintenance Program (CMP)
CMP participants – All certified members of RID are required to participate in the CMP in order to maintain their certification.
Associate Continuing Education Tracking (ACET)
ACET participants – demonstrating the Associate members’ commitment to and participation in the field of interpreting.
RID Continuing Education Center (CEC)
Browse the Continuing Education Center portal to view our educational content.
CMP Sponsor Information
Relying on RID Approved Sponsors to provide and approve appropriate educational activities for participants.
Earning RID CEUs
Participants must work with an RID-Approved Sponsor to earn CEU credits.
CEU Discrepancy Report
Used for any discrepancy with your transcript such as missing activities, or incorrect CEUs.
Find a RID CEU Provider
Search for a CMP Approved Sponsor to offer CEUs for your workshop, earn CEUs for college courses or set up an independent study. You don’t have to work with a sponsor in your area – they can be located anywhere!
We offer content from experts you can trust.
Challenging injustice, respecting and valuing diversity, protection of equal access, Social Justice/Liberation studies, Cultural competence, and more…
RID approved workshops can be sponsor initiated or co-sponsored with another organization. Search the RID workshop database here!
Organizations, agencies, affiliate chapters and individuals seeking to be Approved Sponsors must complete an application. This was developed by the RID Professional Development Committee (PDC). In addition, the PDC reviews and makes determinations on all applications.