Steps to Find an Interpreter
- Please visit our member directory here: https://myaccount.rid.
org/Public/Search/Member.aspx - Select your City and State
- Select Certified under “
Category” - Select Yes under “Freelance Status”
- Press Find Member button at the bottom.
From here, you will find a list of certified interpreters who are available for freelance work. Feel free to reach out to these members directly using the contact information they provide on our registry and inquire about the services that you need. Should you want to go through an agency that is a member with us, please use this link here: https://myaccount.rid.
Certified Member
A member who holds a valid certification accepted by RID, is in good standing, and meets the requirements of the Certification Maintenance Program (CMP).
- Annual charge of $220
- Senior Members (55+) $140
Associate Member
A member engaged in interpreting or transliterating, full-time and part-time, but not holding certification accepted by RID. Members in this category are enrolled in the Associate Continuing Education Tracking Program (ACET).
- Annual charge of $175
- Senior Members (55+) $115
Student Member
A member currently enrolled, at least part-time, in an interpreting program. Student members must provide proof of enrollment every year. This proof can be a current copy of a class schedule or a letter from a coordinator/instructor on school letterhead. Student membership does not include eligibility to vote.
Annual charge of $40
Supporting Member
Individuals who support RID but are not engaged in interpreting. Supporting membership does not include eligibility to vote or reduced testing fees.
- Annual charge of $40
Organizational Member
Organizations and agencies that support RID’s purposes and activities.
- Annual charge of $235
Certified Inactive/Retired
Inactive : Member who holds temporarily inactive certification, is not currently interpreting and has put their certification on hold. Members in this category are not considered currently certified and do not hold valid credentials.
Retired : Member who has retired from interpreting and is no longer practicing. Members in this category are not considered currently certified and do not hold valid credentials.
- Annual charge of $50
Valuable Member Benefits.
Reduced Certification Testing Fees
Eligible for reduced certification testing fees (associate, student or certified members only)
CEC Discount Codes
Annual CEC discount code for Certified, Associate, and Student members who maintain good standing.
Exclusive Discounts
Access to exclusive discounts through our partner; MemberDeals. Discounts on RID’s biennial conference registration
Leadership Opportunities
Leadership opportunities to help shape RID and the interpreting profession by serving on committees, councils and task forces
Communal Benefits
Accountability to the communities we serve through RID’s Ethical Practices System
DHH Insurance Agency, LLC
Disability Income Coverage, Dental & Vision Insurance, Life Insurance options.
More About RID Membership
Members should conduct their renewals online and pay via the RID Member Portal for the fastest service.
If you have questions about or are experiencing an issue with your member account or renewal steps, please contact us at for assistance. We are happy to assist.
RID membership follows an annual fiscal year cycle from July 1-June 30.
Purchase order paperwork for membership renewals that will be paid by a third party can be submitted directly to for formal invoicing.
For those needing verification of prices for employers prior to remitting payment, download your personalized order summary from your RID member portal. This is the most accurate, quickest, and paperless way to provide verification of your membership cost.
- If an individual requests to terminate their membership prior to their payment being processed by RID, then RID will simply not process the payment for that application. The applicant will not forfeit any funds.
- If an individual requests a refund after their membership application or renewal has been processed and/or renewed, that person will receive a refund of their membership dues and fees minus a $25.00 processing fee.
- An individual may request a refund no more than two business days after the application has been processed and/or renewed.
- No refunds will be given if a request is made more than 2 days after the membership application/renewal has been submitted/processed.
- If a third party(ie employer, agency, etc) pays membership dues and fees on behalf of an individual, the member is responsible for maintaining good standing with the organization. We recognize that members who are afforded this benefit may wish to remit payment to maintain good standing, and then request refund post third party payment of their membership dues and fees. In this instance, RID HQ may work one-on-one with you.
- The refund policy applies to all members.
According to the RID Bylaws, an individual’s certification can be revoked for two reasons:
- Suspension or expulsion as outlined in the policies and procedures manual (such as an EPS violation or non-compliance with CMP requirements)
- Non-payment of dues.
Additionally, the Bylaws state that to remain in good standing dues must be paid by August 1st of each fiscal year.
With the requirement to remain current with membership dues to retain your certification, these governing guidelines are an important reminder about your obligation as it relates to the maintenance of your certification. To date, RID has been lenient in enforcing this policy.
As we continue to implement systems of efficiency and standards, RID will begin to enforce the guidelines as established in the Bylaws. Therefore, if dues are not paid on or before July 31, your certification will be terminated due to non-payment of member dues. As a result, you will be required to go through the reinstatement process, in order to get your certification back. To avoid revocation of your certification please plan to renew on or before July 31.
The power to effect change in this area lies with the membership. The connection to membership and certification has been an area of discussion over the years. To change the current structure, which ties current membership to certification maintenance, would require a Bylaws amendment, approved by two-thirds of the voting members.
For any further questions, please contact the Member Services department by either emailing us at, or by using our Contact Us form here:
Freelance Insurance Program
- Professional/General Liability Insurance: contact Gary at 866.371.8830 or go to or email
- Worker Compensation/Workman Compensation Insurance: contact Gary at 866.371.8830 or email
- Professional Liability Insurance
- General Liability Insurance
- Worker Compensation/ Workman Compensation Insurance
- Professional/General Liability Insurance: contact Gary at 866.371.8830 or go to or email
- Worker Compensation/Workman Compensation Insurance: contact Gary at 866.371.8830 or email
- Professional/ General Liability Insurance
- Worker Compensation/ Workman Compensation Insurance
Contact Gary Meyer at 866.371.8830, e-mail: or go to:
Disability Income Coverage – What would happen to your income if you became sick or hurt and weren’t able to work? Protect your income in the event that you become disabled as a result of a sickness or injury and are unable to work. RID members can take advantage of a 15% association discount.
Dental & Vision Insurance – Affordable dental coverage is available for individuals and families, with the option to add vision coverage. You are free to use any dentist you wish, or you can use an in-network dentist for additional savings. The network has over 400,000 access points nationwide. Choose from several plans to meet your needs and budget.
Life Insurance – Affordable coverage with plans designed to meet your specific needs. Available plans include Term Insurance, Whole Life, Universal Life and others, with over 30 of the top companies to choose from. Let the licensed professionals at Association Benefit Services shop for the best coverage and the most competitive products and rates for you. Coverage is also available for spouses and children.
Visit: (for program details and quotes) or Call: (844) 340-6578
Contact Gary Meyer at 866.371.8830, e-mail: or go to:
Do you have more questions about RID membership?
Whether you’re exploring your possibilities or are a seasoned veteran, joining RID will provide resources that move you forward!
Membership Renewal.
1. First, visit the RID website and log in to your member portal.
2. Next, click the tab “My Orders,” and you will see your FY26 dues there.
3. From there, follow the subsequent prompts to remit your payment. Then, you are all set!
Member Portal Navigation.
1. All information about your membership can be found in the Membership Details box on your portal page, including your expiration date. All memberships expire on June 30th of each year.
2. If you need to renew your membership, click the “My Orders” tab at the top right to submit payment for your member dues.
3. Always be sure that your member portal information is up to date to ensure you are receiving all communications and notifications from RID.
4. All information regarding your certification can be found in the “Certification Details” box including your certification beginning and end date, CEUs earned, and downloading documents such as a verification letter or your CEU Transcript.
5. You may view your education history on the right side of your portal, including previous transcript cycles.
6. Access exclusive RID Member Deals by clicking “Member Deals” on the right side of your portal.
Golden 100 / Silver 250 Campaign.
In 1982 President Judie Husted and the RID Board of Directors instituted the first major fundraising campaign for RID. The campaign was aimed to provide the organization with financial security for the future. The campaign was labeled Golden 100 and Silver 200. For a $500 donation, the first 100 Certified members received conference recognition and lifetime membership along with their Certification Maintenance fees, these people are known as the Golden 100. At the start of the campaign, the first 200 members (Certified or Associate) who donated $250 received lifetime membership, they are known as Silver 200. This campaign raised over $50,000 to help establish a research and development trust and to provide general support to the RID budget.
At the March 2016 board meeting, the Board of Directors approved a plan to revitalize this campaign for 2016. The first 100 Certified members received Lifetime membership and waived annual fees along with the designation Golden 100 member. The first 250 Certified or Associate members received lifetime membership, waived annual continuing education fees, and were named Silver 250 members. This group is responsible annually for their certification and standards fee.