RID’s Affiliate Chapter Resource Center provides chapter leaders with tools and resources to help manage and cultivate local Affiliate Chapters. The Affiliate Chapter Resource Center provides tools to help Affiliate Chapters excel. RID’s goal is to make your life as an Affiliate Chapter leader a little easier. Therefore, on this website you will find resources just for you and your members.
The RID Affiliate Chapter Liaison will be working to develop additional content for your use. If you have a specific request for information or are interested in learning how other chapters have handled a specific issue, please contact the RID Affiliate Chapter Liaison, Dr. Carolyn Ball, CI & CT, NIC at
Affiliate Chapter Documents
Affiliate Chapter Document Resources
Chapters are essential to the success and growth of Affiliate Chapters. In order to support your work as a chapter leader, RID has created links of vital information for your use. The RID Affiliate Chapter Liaison will discover and share tools, resources, and samples for your Affiliate Chapter. View the most recent additions, browse by category or tag, or search for the specific information you are looking for below.
RID would absolutely benefit from fostering stronger relationships with our ACs. and what, if anything, we should be doing differently. This is a Strategic Plan with ideas and strategies to strengthen our AC network in alignment with RID’s Strategic Priorities towards Organizational Effectiveness and Organizational Relevance, as well as consider the role of ACs in RID’s Organizational Transformation.
Bylaws are the rules and principles that define your governing structure. They serve as your nonprofit’s architectural framework. Although bylaws aren’t required to be public documents, consider making them available to your membership to boost your Affiliate Chapter’s accountability and transparency.
How to write Bylaws
National RID Bylaws
Examples of RID Affiliate Chapter Bylaws
Document retention policies are one of several good governance policies that the IRS highlights on the IRS Form 990 by asking whether the filing nonprofit has adopted a written record retention policy.
A policies and procedures manual is a comprehensive text that details every aspect of Affiliate Chapter policy, the procedures for following those policies and the forms needed to complete each process. A policies and procedures manual is a reference tool for affiliate chapter leaders.
How to write a Policy and Procedure Manual
National RID Policy and Procedure Manual
Examples of Affiliate Chapter Policy and Procedure Manuals
Robert‘s Rules is practically synonymous with parliamentary procedure, and for good reason. Robert‘s Rules of Order sets out the parliamentary rules organizations can adopt as a guide for establishing the conduct of the organization and the management of its meetings.
In a nutshell, Robert’s Rules make meetings meaningful. Those three words — making meetings meaningful — so clearly describe the most immediate benefit to learning and applying the principles of parliamentary procedure contained in Robert’s Rules. Robert’s Rules provide guidance for most organizational functions.
A parliamentarian is a consultant who advises the presiding officer and other officers, committees, and members on matters of parliamentary procedure. Parliamentarians are frequently used to assist with procedure during conventions and board meetings. Such advisors often turn long, difficult meetings into short, painless ones.
A professional parliamentarian can provide many additional useful services outside of an annual convention, including:
- Train officers and committee chairs
- Conduct parliamentary workshops for local presidents and members
- Supervise credentials and elections
- Preside over particularly contentious meetings
- Provide formal parliamentary opinions
- Create or revise bylaws
- Advise on parliamentary tactics and strategy
Affiliate Chapters are essential to the success and growth of RID. In order to support your work as an Affiliate Chapter leader, RID has created links of vital information for your use. View the most recent additions, browse by category or tag, or search for the specific information you are looking for by clicking this link.
It is important for the president of a nonprofit organization to be aware of the responsibilities of that office. Learn about the responsibilities that can help you become aware of the important responsibilities of a nonprofit organization president.
AC President Resources
The role of the president in a non-profit organization
It is important for the president of a nonprofit organization to be aware of the responsibilities of that office. Learn about the responsibilities that can help you become aware of the important responsibilities of a non-profit organization president.
Omissions of the Board of Directors (“Board”) or Officers can still leave a risk of liability to both the nonprofit and its individual Directors, or Officers. Nonprofit Directors are passionate about causes and serving the community, but they often lack the required knowledge to understand their obligations under the law. Such Directors are doing a good deed by volunteering to sit on the Board; but the consequences of inattention can “punish” their otherwise “good deeds.”
The problem in running non-profit board meetings is that despite their importance, many people view board of director meetings as a drab and high level mumbo jumbo. However, with some planning and foresight, you can make these meetings more lively and engaging. Follow the steps below for a more meaningful and productive meeting:
A board retreat is an unparalleled opportunity for progress. It can be a powerful way to address head-on some of the more challenging issues facing a board and the organization it governs. Here are some tips to ensure your retreat is powerful, productive, and positive.
Most boards of directors of associations, clubs and nonprofits are composed of individuals from different walks of life. They have joined the board because they want to contribute in a meaningful way to their profession, industry or society in general. Some folks are also looking for networking opportunities, leadership experience, or simply for social interaction. Learn more about how you can provide an effective team building event for your nonprofit board.
All individuals attending the General Business meetings use the Parliamentary Procedure. Member meetings are where members with voting rights may shape the direction of the Organization, its priorities, and more. The videos below explain basic parliamentary procedures to ensure an efficient, respectful, and effective meeting of members and also provide examples of how the procedure can be signed in ASL.
Nonprofit board members have the legal responsibility to meet the duty of care, the duty of loyalty, and the duty of obedience. Under well-established principles of nonprofit corporation law, a board member must meet certain standards of conduct and attention in carrying out their responsibilities to the organization. Several states have statutes adopting some variation of these duties that would be used in court to determine whether a board member acted improperly. These standards are usually described as the duty of care, the duty of loyalty, and the duty of obedience.
Vice President
Tradition holds that nonprofits create a vice president position so they’ll have someone ready to step in should the president be unable to complete his or her term – in the same way we have a vice president of the United States. But your bylaws could just as easily mandate another officer to fill this role.
AC Vice President Resources
The role of the Vice President
Tradition holds that nonprofits create a vice president position so they’ll have someone ready to step in should the president be unable to complete his or her term – in the same way we have a vice president of the United States. But your bylaws could just as easily mandate another officer to fill this role.
So rather than taking a perfectly capable board member and only ask them to hold their breath waiting for the president to expire, wouldn’t it be a better use of the VP’s talents to have something worthwhile to do? Especially if part of the process of choosing a VP is to groom that person for leading the board?
Since the board of directors is responsible for the health and future of the non-profit organization, they create governing and financial policies. They hold regular meetings and vote on issues involving the organization.
Governance is an essential function of a nonprofit board. There are various ways to govern as a board, depending on the board and organization’s structure.
The Vice-President plays a crucial role in the operations of the nonprofit board. Some general responsibilities are listed in the following link:
For working boards, the Vice-President carries out important responsibilities for the organization’s operations.
The board treasurer is a critical leadership role for an organization. By reframing and taking a more expansive view of what the role entails, I hope more new treasurers will enter the role with excitement instead of intimidation and ultimately, that more people will want to volunteer for this leadership opportunity.
AC Treasurer Resources
The Role of the Treasurer
The board treasurer is a critical leadership role for an organization. By reframing and taking a more expansive view of what the role entails, I hope more new treasurers will enter the role with excitement instead of intimidation and ultimately, that more people will want to volunteer for this leadership opportunity.
The CPA designation is one of the most widely recognized and highly trusted professional designations in the business world. Stringent qualifications and licensing requirements sets them apart from other business professionals. In order to receive the CPA designation, individuals have to meet rigorous academic, professional and ethical standards. In addition, after they receive the designation, they are required to receive continuing professional education to stay up to date on current standards and requirements.
Many factors play into a nonprofit’s financial status, but some categories are particularly indicative of underlying health and stability. Nonprofit leaders who recognize the importance of the factors below and act upon our suggestions to maximize them will be better positioned to withstand scrutiny from donors, board members and other interested parties and chart a course for sustained success.
These documents provide you with a starting point. We recommend you customize them to meet the needs of your organization. Please consult an attorney before adopting a policy that is legally binding.
Nonprofit organizations have a unique set of accounting software needs. The software needs to be able to accurately handle contributions from a variety of sources and produce reports that make it easier to submit an IRS Form 990 and other tax documents. Thankfully, some low-cost and free options are available for nonprofits that don’t have a lot of money to spend on specialized accounting software. Here are five of the best options with information.
These six nonprofit accounting software options were chosen based on their features lists, usability ratings, and their overall reviews. They are all cloud-based software. Many options in our fund accounting software directory are made for general accounting, but the six that made it into this piece are specifically made for nonprofit accounting.
The board treasurer is a critical leadership role for an organization. By reframing and taking a more expansive view of what the role entails, I hope more new treasurers will enter the role with excitement instead of intimidation and ultimately, that more people will want to volunteer for this leadership opportunity.
As treasurer, you are responsible for safeguarding your organization’s finances. A large portion of this protection should already be built into the organization’s bylaws.
The treasurer will review the financial reports about the organization’s budget constraints and spending habits. Financial reports also indicate the financial health of the organization, regardless of the size of the budget. It’s important that treasurers prepare financial reports that are clear, accurate and timely, which helps to earn public trust in the organization. More information about how to keep organized records can be found at:
The National Council of Nonprofits produces and curates tools, resources, and samples for nonprofits. View the most recent additions, browse by category or tag, or search for the specific information you are looking for below.
There are many reasons why your entire board of directors should review your organization’s draft IRS Form 990 before it is filed. Of course, the most important reason is to ensure its accuracy. Most board members don’t have photographic memories and can’t recall each precise financial detail of the last year, but when you review it, look for the “story” in the numbers. Is the draft form consistent with your recollection about the prior year? You’ll spot discrepancies, such as categories on the draft Form reporting “zero” when you know there were expenditures, or vice versa.
Organizations whose federal tax exempt status was automatically revoked for not filing a Form 990-series return or notice for three consecutive years can be found at the link below. Important note: Just because an organization appears on this list, it does not mean the organization is currently revoked, as they may have been reinstated.
The guide at the link below provides a comprehensive look at what is required for nonprofits to comply with their state’s laws.
In general, exempt organizations are required to file annual returns, although there are exceptions. If an organization does not file a required return or files late, the IRS may assess penalties. Read more here to make sure you’re following the appropriate legal steps!
In any organization, there’s someone whose job is to grab everything that falls through the cracks. To keep everyone else on track. For a sports team, it’s the Coach. In a restaurant, it’s the Head Chef. On a board of directors, it’s not the Chair. Not even the Treasurer. While those are important roles, they couldn’t do their jobs without the most key piece to the committee puzzle: the Secretary.
AC Secretary Resources
The Role of the Secretary
In any organization, there’s someone whose job is to grab everything that falls through the cracks. To keep everyone else on track. For a sports team, it’s the Coach. In a restaurant, it’s the Head Chef. On a board of directors, it’s not the Chair. Not even the Treasurer. While those are important roles, they couldn’t do their jobs without the most key piece to the committee puzzle: the Secretary.
Learn how to write board meeting minutes and what to include. The link below provides examples of how to write minutes and a template that may help in organizing your affiliate chapter meeting minutes:
As with many governance-related issues, there’s no fast and easy answer to the question, “Are nonprofit board meetings public?” The honest answer is, “It depends.”
Learn a quick summary of common recommendations regarding how to organize documents for nonprofit organizations.
It is important to keep in mind that some states have state-specific sample document retention policies and examples are available through the Council of Nonprofits and are state specific.
Records and Information Management is a tool used by managers to determine which records to retain, and for how long, and which records to discard. It also includes tools to improve access to current records such as document management systems, standardized file plans, indexing, etc.
The discipline of Records and Information Management applies tests and standards to an organization’s records, determining their value both to the group and to other potential users. Records managers survey and categorize records by type and function. They evaluate each category to schedule records for retention and disposal.
RID keeps the Archived RID Views at the below link:
You can find the archives to RID’s publication JOI below:
It is vital for the board of an affiliate chapter to understand the importance of their roles and responsibilities. Below is a great resource to help each member of the board understand their roles and responsibilities.
AC Governance Resources
It is vital for the board of an affiliate chapter to understand the importance of their roles and responsibilities. Below is a great resource to help each member of the board understand their roles and responsibilities.
The link below is a list of topics addressing the fundamental aspects of nonprofit board service. Each link leads to a page with a short introduction to the topic followed by an extensive list of downloadable resources, topic papers, and publications that pertain to it. More resources, including additional publications, webinars, and training, can be easily found. Just click on the link and you will find support for you as a nonprofit board member.
Finding the right board member for your nonprofit organization can be challenging. The Council of Nonprofits has compiled resources and tips to help you identify what makes a good board member.
“Your nonprofit articles of incorporation is a legal document filed with the secretary of state to create your nonprofit corporation. This process is called incorporating. In some states, the articles of incorporation is called a certificate of incorporation or corporate charter.” – Harbor Compliance, 2023
Document retention policies are one of several good governance policies that the IRS highlights on the IRS Form 990 by asking whether the filing nonprofit has adopted a written record retention policy.
Don’t come off as desperate or like a marketing company! Learn to create new, fresh messages that make people want to open your emails. Nonprofit emails are four times more likely to be opened than marketing emails. Send the right message!
You can find RID’s Articles of Incorporation using the link below:
A Policy and Procedures Manual is a document compiled of policies and procedures that the nonprofit organization needs to follow, to ensure its compliance with local, state and federal laws, and for its success. Have a central document that has all of the policies and procedures makes it easier for those involved with the nonprofit to understand the requirements and to comply.
Bylaws are essential for the board’s functions. They outline the governance structure of the organization’s board of directors, and is often considered as a legal document. For more information, please see the following link:
RID’s Bylaws PDF is below:
Making real change in an affiliate chapter’s diversity — including in its culture, and practices — is important, but many organizations don’t have a clear model of success. Learn how Affiliate Chapters can have a clear plan to create diversity.
Volunteers often are key to a nonprofit organization’s success. But the question arises: how do we recruit solid volunteers? What criteria should we use to identify who would be a good fit for your organization?
RID publishes an annual report for its members, outlining RID’S achievements for the year as well as an annual financial report. You may find the national RID’s annual reports at the link below. Additionally, you may wish to publish your own annual report for your affiliate chapter members to see the business of the organization.
In general, exempt organizations are required to file annual returns, although there are exceptions. If an organization does not file a required return or files late, the IRS may assess penalties. Read more here to make sure you’re following the appropriate legal steps!
Affiliate Chapter Leaders can enjoy a buffet of exclusive resources from the RID AC Webinar series. The webinars will help AC leaders develop expertise and knowledge to deliver excellence as an AC leader. Click here for more details!
AC Webinar Resources
Affiliate Chapter Webinars
Thank you for your leadership and service to RID! Because RID appreciates AC leaders, we are providing you, AC leaders, with webinars which you can receive free CEU’s. Thus far, there are five webinars. Once you have established your CEC login information, you will be able to watch the webinars. See below for the webinars that are available to you!
Webinar #1: The RID Affiliate Chapter Handbook: What’s It All About
Webinar #2: How to Run an RID Affiliate Chapter Without Running out of Gas
Webinar #3: How to Retain and Organize Affiliate Chapter Documents
Webinar #4: How Virginia RID Succeeded in Hosting a Virtual Conference
Webinar #5: The Basics of Robert’s Rules of Order
AC Town Hall Meetings
RID will host AC Town halls each quarter to help and support ACs. The Town halls are recorded and can be found here.
AC Town Hall Meetings
Affiliate Chapter Town Hall Meetings
RID will host AC Town halls each quarter to help and support ACs. The Town halls are recorded and can be found here.
Planning a Virtual Conference
Virtual events can vary widely, from a few attendees to a few thousand, and from one session to weeks of activities. There is no one-size-fits-all approach to conducting a virtual event. Included in this folder are resources to help plan a successful virtual event.
Planning a Virtual Conference
Virtual Conference
Virtual events can vary widely, from a few attendees to a few thousand, and from one session to weeks of activities. There is no one-size-fits-all approach to conducting a virtual event. Included in this folder are resources to help plan a successful virtual event.
Leadership Resources
Leadership resources are important because they help you gain the skills necessary for guiding and inspiring others. Effective leaders often know how to highlight the best qualities in the people around them using resources.
Leadership Resources
Leadership Resources
Leadership resources are important because they help you gain the skills necessary for guiding and inspiring others. Effective leaders often know how to highlight the best qualities in the people around them using resources.
How to be a Better Leader
Quick Links for Chapter Leaders and those interested in getting involved!
Affiliate Chapters are essential to the success and growth of RID. In order to support your work as an Affiliate Chapter leader, RID has created links of vital information for your use. View the most recent additions, browse by category or tag, or search for the specific information you are looking for by clicking this link.
In this venture, you will have the support of the RID Board of Directors, RID Headquarters and the members of the Affiliate Chapter Relations Committee.
Our Affiliate Chapter Liaison is here to answer your questions, provide resources and guidance, and collaborate with Chapter Leaders.