As RID members, you have access to RID’s digital quarterly magazine, VIEWS; Journal of Interpretation; and RID Press’ ebooks and printed books. A wealth of information is available for our members.
RID Press
RID Press is a professional publishing arm of RID. The mission of RID Press is to extend the reach and reputation of the Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf (RID) through the publication of scholarly, practical, artistic and educational materials that advance the learning and knowledge of the profession of interpreting. The Press seeks to reflect the mission of RID by publishing a wide range of works that promote recognition and respect for the language and culture of deaf people and the practitioners in the field.
As a part of RID’s strategic goals, we focus on providing interpreters with the educational tools they need to excel and succeed at their profession. One way we are able to accomplish this objective is through the publications, communications, and products we offer to members.
- Peer review by some of the profession’s most respected interpreters.
- Professional editing, composition and printing.
- Built in target audience through RID’s membership.
- Extensive marketing and distribution efforts.
- Industry standard royalties.
- The prestige of having your work published by the Association that represents the interpreting profession.
RID’s catalog of publications, books, and reference materials offers a wide variety of titles relevant to the interpreting profession written by authors who have established distinguished careers and reputations as some of the most respected interpreters in their field.
VIEWS, RID’s digital publication, is dedicated to the interpreting profession. As a part of RID’s strategic goals, we focus on providing interpreters with the educational tools they need to excel at their profession. VIEWS is about inspiring thoughtful discussions among practitioners. With the establishment of the VIEWS Board of Editors, the featured content in this publication is peer-reviewed and standardized according to our bilingual review process. VIEWS is on the leading edge of bilingual publications for English and ASL. In this way, VIEWS helps to bridge the gap between interpreters and clients and facilitate equality of language. This publication represents a rich history of knowledge-sharing in an extremely diverse profession. As an organization, we value the experiences and expertise of interpreters from every cultural, linguistic, and educational background. VIEWS seeks to provide information to researchers and stakeholders about these specialty fields and groups in the interpreting profession. We aim to explore the interpreter’s role within this demanding social and political environment by promoting content with complex layers of experience and meaning.
Review the VIEWS Submission Guidelines Here:
The value of VIEWS comes from the article submissions we receive from the experts in the interpreting field, such as you! Your experiences and knowledge can be shared with the more than 16,000 readership of VIEWS just by submitting an article. RID seeks to utilize VIEWS as a forum for interpreters to communicate values, ideas, concerns, challenges and more, but we need your help to make that happen. Submit an article today to join the ranks of knowledgeable and experienced experts of the interpreting field who have contributed to VIEWS in the past.
Review the VIEWS Video Submission Guidelines Here:
VIEWS is a bilingual publication in support of the member motion ratified at the RIDNOLA15 conference (C2015.09). Articles are reviewed when both an ASL and English version have been submitted. Authors may consult with the VIEWS Board of Editors about developing bilingual content and are encouraged to seek colleague or community support for production of their second language if they feel that would best present their article. The goal of our publication is to achieve linguistic equivalence, and so the meaning and content of the article should be equally represented in both written and visual mediums, according to the author’s signing/writing style and cultural expression, rather than one version reading as a primary article with an accompanying translation into the other language.
The value of VIEWS comes from the article submissions we receive from the experts in the interpreting field, such as you! Your experiences and knowledge can be shared with the more than 16,000 readership of VIEWS just by submitting an article. RID seeks to utilize VIEWS as a forum for interpreters to communicate values, ideas, concerns, challenges and more, but we need your help to make that happen. Submit an article today to join the ranks of knowledgeable and experienced experts of the interpreting field who have contributed to VIEWS in the past.
With over 14,000 members in the U.S. and abroad, RID is the largest, comprehensive registry of American Sign Language (ASL) interpreters in the country! Easily reach our members through our eNEWS, VIEWS, and website/ social media platforms for your company or organization’s job announcements, events, and promotions. Interactive opportunities available to engage your potential customers and clients in a way that is unmatched.
While we publish updates on our website and social media platforms, unique information from the following areas can only be found in VIEWS:
- Both research- and peer-based articles/columns
- Interpreting skill-building and continuing education opportunities
- Local, national, and international interpreting news
- Reports on the Certification Program
- RID committee and Member Sections news
- New publications available from RID Press
- News and highlights from RID Headquarters
Journal of Interpretation
An annual publication that includes articles, research reports and commentaries relevant to the interpreting field.
The Journal of Interpretation (JOI) is under RID Publications, and publishes a broad scope of scholarly manuscripts, research reports, and practitioner essays and letters relevant to effective practices in the signed language interpreting profession. JOI provides a peer-reviewed platform for stimulating thought and discussion on topics that reflect a broad, interdisciplinary approach to interpretation and translation. JOI expressly aims to serve as an international forum for the cross-fertilization of ideas from diverse theoretical and applied fields, examining signed or spoken language interpreting and relationships between the two modalities.
Deadline for submissions is March 1st of every year and may be made to any of the following JOI sections:
1. Research and Application: Original quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods research reports must be accompanied by a statement that the project was undertaken with the understanding and written consent of each participant and was approved by the local ethics committee. The Editors reserve the right to reject a paper if there is doubt as to whether appropriate procedures have been used to collect data with human subjects. Authors may focus on recent original research, replication of research, or reviews of research. The RID Research Grant recipient/s will publish research-in-progress updates and final reports in the JOI.
2. Innovative Practices in Interpreting: JOI welcomes practitioner essays related to, but not limited to, business practices, interpreting with diverse populations, ethical decision-making, development and growth of the profession, mentorship, contemporary issues in interpreting, and certification.
3. Reviews: Authors will be individually invited by the Editors to review current resources (e.g., books, media, curricula, services) that are devoted to interpreting skill development, knowledge expansion, intercultural competency, and best practices. A review should advance the interpreting profession by providing a critical and comprehensive evaluation of the resource.
The value of the JOI is dependent upon the quality of submissions received from interpreters, translators, interpreter educators, and other related professionals. This is an excellent opportunity for you to share your depth of knowledge and expertise with your fellow interpreters and a readership of more than 15,000 individuals.
- All manuscripts should be original work. It is the author’s responsibility to obtain written permission for unpublished or published material quoted in excess of fair use, and for the reprinting of illustrations from unpublished or copyrighted material (for both print and electronic versions).
- Style: American Psychological Association (APA 6th) format for style, notes and references is required for editorial consideration. Manuscripts should be print ready. Please see the APA Publication Manual for proper formatting of headings and titles. Indent paragraphs with the Tab key, not by setting a defined indention for the paragraph in the word processor.
- Format: The manuscript should be in Word format using Times New Roman, 12-point font and double spaced with 1-inch margins. No color should be used in the manuscript. Please do not change fonts, spacing, or margins or use style formatting features at any point in the manuscript except for tables.
- Art: All embedded art, pictures, graphs and charts should be included as separate files in EPS, PDF, TIFF, BMP or JPEG formats, and in grayscale or black and white mode. Bitmap art should be 600 DPI.
- Photos: Photographs and grayscale items should be 300 DPI.
- Length: Manuscripts should be limited to approximately 30 pages, and the Editors will make recommendations for shortening any paper if that appears appropriate without loss of essential content. Shorter papers are welcome. A concise, well-written paper is easier for the Editors and reviewers to evaluate, and this can help to speed up publication. Submissions should be no larger than 2 MB.
- Citations: Only citations referred to in the manuscript should be listed in the references. Thoroughly check all references before submitting to ensure that all sources cited in the text appear in the references and vice versa. Make sure that all references are accurate and complete, including the Digital Object Identifier (doi) when available.
- Anonymity: Authors should NOT place their names on the manuscript and should obscure identifiable citations. Ensure that the manuscript is appropriately blinded and contains no clues to the author’s identity or institutional affiliation outside of the title page. The identifying information of the author that is embedded in the Microsoft Office file should also be removed. Please double-check your manuscript for:
- Self citations that are “in press”
- Self referential citations that reveal author identity
- Institution name
- References to institution-specific documents
- Title page: Authors’ names should appear below the title, with the name of each author given in full. When applicable, the university where the work was carried out should be given below the authors’ names. Include full names, addresses, fax numbers, telephone numbers, and email addresses of all authors, designating one as Corresponding Author.
- Running Head: The running head should contain no more than 50 characters (including spaces).
- Submission: All submissions are made from the JOI website ( From the site, you select “Submit Article” and follow the prompts. You will need the MS WORD document of your manuscript without a title page, running head or page numbers. The system will automatically add these when needed. Further formatting details are provided below.
Once a manuscript is received, it is reviewed by the Editors to ensure that it adheres to the editorial standards of the journal. If the manuscript is determined to meet these standards, it is then sent to a minimum of two reviewers. JOI follows a double-blind review process that conceals the identity of both the author and the reviewers. Reviewers are asked to complete their review within a four-week time period. The Editors’ decision regarding publication is based on the reports of reviewers. Authors will be informed of the editorial decision, on average, within 6 weeks of submission. If the manuscript is a resubmission following revision, authors will be required to complete a matrix, provided to them by the Editors, that responds to the concerns of reviewers.
If you are interested in reviewing manuscripts as a member of the JOI Board of Editors, the Editors invite you to submit a letter of interest. Manuscript reviewers are vital to the publications process. As a reviewer, you will gain valuable experience in publishing and provide a much-needed service to the profession. The Editors are particularly interested in encouraging members of underrepresented groups to participate in this process.
To be selected as a reviewer, you must:
(a) have published articles in peer-reviewed journals. The experience of publishing provides a reviewer with the basis for preparing a thorough, objective review.
(b) be a regular reader of several journals that are most central to the profession of interpreting. Current knowledge of recent publications provides a reviewer with the knowledge base to evaluate a new submission within the context of existing research.
(c) provide your curriculum vita with a letter of interest. In your letter, specifically describe your area of expertise.
(d) be prepared to invest the necessary time to evaluate a manuscript thoroughly (usually a minimum of four hours) and provide feedback within 4 weeks.
For more information, please contact JOI Editors, Len Roberson, Ph.D., CI and CT, SC:L or Barbara Shaffer, Ph.D., CI and CT, SC:L
Here are the links to find the back issues of JOI. They are housed in two different places.
Searching the Google Drive:
In order to search the Google drive that holds 1981-2010, however, there’s a few things you need to know.
First, you must have a Google email account. This is free, and you can sign up via This will give you access to all of the features of Google, including Google Drive. When you open the link above, it will then present you with the option “Open in Drive” (upper right corner).
When you jump to the archive, and you want to search, you should enter a few things in the search box at the top:
The “type:pdf” qualifier will help narrow down your search to PDF files. All of our VIEWS issues are stored in PDF format.
After that, use quotation marks ” ” to define the search terms that you want to search for. The more terms you use, the more it will narrow things down. You can search for author’s name, key words (like “agency”, “coda”, “ITP”, etc.), locations (“Oregon”), etc.
You’ll then get back a list of results. Clicking on these results will allow you to see the file.
Membership Stats.
RID members
Certified interpreters

Annual Reports
RID publishes an Annual Report for its members, outlining our achievements for the year as well as an annual financial report.