Reinstating a RID certification(s) that has been revoked.

Certification reinstatement is the process of reinstating a RID certification(s) that has been revoked due to either failure to comply with the CEU requirement, or failure to pay membership dues by July 31st. Please read below to determine if the certification you held is eligible for reinstatement as well as the required steps to take to request reinstatement.

Is the RID certification you held eligible for reinstatement?

Yes – continue to criteria B.

No – The certification is not eligible to be reinstated. Certifications can only be reinstated for a period of up to 24 months (two years) from the date of revocation. If more than 24 months has passed, to be certified again, you would need to complete all the requirements for a new certification.

No – The certification is eligible to be reinstated.

Yes, but the revocation date was prior to February 2018 – The certification is eligible to be reinstated.

Yes, previously revoked after February 2018 – see below

i. A certification that has been reinstated after being revoked for failure to comply with the CEU requirement for certification maintenance cannot be reinstated a second time if the certification is revoked again for failure to comply with the CEU requirement for certification maintenance. To be certified again, you would need to complete all the requirements for a new certification.

ii. A certification that has been reinstated after being revoked for non-payment of membership dues cannot be reinstated a second time if the certification is revoked again for non-payment of membership dues and the revocations occurred consecutively (two fiscal years in a row.) To be certified again, you would need to complete all the requirements for a new certification.

Reinstatement Steps.

Reinstatement FOrms


Find the form you need to reinstate a RID certification.

If the loss of certification was due to failure to pay membership dues by July 31st, please complete and submit this form.

If the loss of certification was due to failure to comply with the CEU requirement, please complete and submit this form.

Reinstatement FAQs

Yes, any CEUs earned as of your reinstatement “effective” date (the date you completed all of the requirements, usually the date your payment was received) can be counted toward your current CMP/certification cycle. Once your reinstatement request has been processed in our system, you will be emailed an official reinstatement letter. The letter will indicate your reinstatement “effective” date.

You can do a Google search for a notary public office near you, and if you have questions you can contact them for further information. There may also be an online notary option, depending on the state you are in.

No. All CEUs earned toward reinstatement must be Professional Studies (PS) CEUs, without exception.

All applicants for reinstatement must earn CEUs toward reinstatement, regardless of the reason for revocation. Your CEU requirement depends on how much time there is between the revocation date and the date we receive all of your reinstatement requirements (including the payment step).

Certification revoked for non-payment of membership dues:

  • 1 day – 6 months: 0.5 PS CEUs
  • 6 months – 1 year: 1.0 PS CEUs
  • 1 year – 1.5 years: 1.5 PS CEUs
  • 1.5 years – 2 years: 2.0 PS CEUs

Example: If your revocation date is August 1, 2022:

  • You have until February 1, 2023 to submit all requirements for reinstatement within the 0.5 PS CEUs category.
  • Or you have until August 1, 2023 to submit all requirements for reinstatement within the 1.0 PS CEUs category. And so on and so forth.

Certification revoked for failure to comply with the CEU requirement:

  • 1 day – 1 year: 2.0 PS CEUs
  • 1 year – 2 years: 4.0 PS CEUs

Yes, all reinstatement applicants must complete CEUs toward reinstatement, regardless of the reason for revocation. CEUs for reinstatement can be earned from the day after the certification was revoked until the date of your reinstatement request. These CEUs will not be applied towards a CMP cycle.

Once we have received your completed reinstatement application, you will be emailed instructions for completing payment online via your member portal.

Payment options include the following:

  • Pay online via your member portal.
  • Pay via phone with a credit/debit card.

Please note that the Certification Department has gone paperless and is no longer accepting anything mailed to HQ. Anything mailed to HQ will not be not be reviewed or processed, and will be shredded.

Revocation due to non-payment of dues: If you purchased an Associate membership for the same fiscal year in which you are requesting reinstatement, the amount you paid for Associate dues will be applied toward your reinstatement payment, plus lapsed Certified dues, and you’ll just need to pay the balance as part of the reinstatement process.

Revocation due to failure to comply with the CEU requirement: Upon certification revocation, the status of your membership will be automatically changed from Certified Member to Associate Member for the remainder of that fiscal year. Upon reinstatement, you will need to pay any lapsed Certified dues. If you have paid any Associate Member dues during revocation, the amount you paid for Associate dues will be applied toward your reinstatement payment, plus lapsed Certified dues, and you’ll just need to pay the balance as part of the reinstatement process.

For certifications revoked for non-payment of membership dues by July 31st: $120 plus any lapsed dues.

For certifications revoked for failure to comply with the CEU requirement: $320 plus any lapsed dues.

The first step is for you to submit all required documentation to RID will review your documentation and then email you payment instructions. From the date payment is received, standard processing time is 7-10 business days.

Once you reach the payment step in the reinstatement process (this is the final requirement to be completed), you will be able to complete payment of the reinstatement fee plus any lapsed Certified Member dues. Note that you will not be able to pay for Certified Member dues prior to RID receiving your completed application, however, you can pay for Associate Member dues if you choose.

Please email your request form, along with all supporting documentation attached, to

Note that the Certification Department has gone paperless and is no longer accepting anything mailed to HQ. Anything mailed to HQ will not be not be reviewed or processed, and will be shredded.

For certifications revoked for non-payment of membership dues, use this form.

For certifications revoked for failure to comply with the CEU requirement, use this form.