Affiliate chapters are a crucial element in RID’s overall structure as they help RID Headquarters extend our reach into the interpreting profession.
Affiliate Chapter Benefits.
- Affiliation with national interpreter advocacy actions
- Representation for the affiliate chapter’s members for various national issues (i.e. VRS via the Video Interpreting Committee)
The Affiliate Chapter Handbook serves as an excellent resource tool to assist affiliate chapters in developing and maintaining a functional and thriving chapter of RID.
You can view the Affiliate Chapter Handbook as a whole document (96 pages) using the Google Drive link below or download the entire file in the PDF format.
Affiliate Chapter Handbook: PDF Download here
Affiliate Chapter Handbook: See Live Google Document here
“Management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right things.”
– Peter F. Drucker
Starting a new affiliate chapter takes leadership, organization and determination but know that you are not alone in this endeavor. Among other benefits, in this venture, you will have the support of the RID Board of Directors, RID Headquarters and the members of the Affiliate Chapter Relations Committee.
Following are the steps to take to start an affiliate chapter:
- Organize a group of at least twenty voting members of RID desiring to start an affiliate chapter.
- Assign a leader or small group of leaders to spearhead the effort. This person or group would be in charge of compiling the necessary information for the application for affiliation, which must include the following:
- A list of at least twenty voting members of RID.
- A copy of the chapter’s bylaws
- A list of the names and contact information for the chapter’s officers
- A copy of the chapter’s Articles of Incorporation (if applicable)
- A copy of the chapter’s Standing Rules or Rules of Order (if chapter has same)
- The affiliate application package, once complete, must be sent to the Director of Member Services at RID Headquarters.
- The director of member services will verify that all the petitioners are RID voting members in good standing.
- The director of member services will act as the liaison to the board of directors by presenting the package to the board.
- Once the board of directors formally approves or declines chapter status, the director of member services will notify the contact person from that potential chapter.
- At that time, the chapter will be considered affiliated with RID.
BENEFITS: The benefits of being affiliated with RID include a support system comprised of national committees, staff and other affiliate chapter leaders; resources including a comprehensive handbook, mentoring grants and membership information and access to non-profit status through RID’s group exemption.
Affiliate chapters have many resources available to them for support including, but not limited to, the following:
- RID committees such as the Bylaws Committee who can provide advice
- Board of Directors
- Affiliate Chapter’s Region Representative
- Affiliate Chapter Liaison
- Exclusive access to the Affiliate Chapter Resource Center (Coming Soon!)
- Google Group for Affiliate Chapter Presidents to communicate
- RID Headquarters staff
Starting a Chapter.
“Management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right things.”
– Peter F. Drucker
Starting a new affiliate chapter takes leadership, organization and determination but know that you are not alone in this endeavor. Among other benefits, in this venture, you will have the support of the RID Board of Directors, RID Headquarters and the members of the Affiliate Chapter Relations Committee.
- Organize a group of at least twenty voting members of RID desiring to start an affiliate chapter.
- Assign a leader or small group of leaders to spearhead the effort. This person or group would be in charge of compiling the necessary information for the application for affiliation, which must include the following:
- A list of at least twenty voting members of RID.
- A copy of the chapter’s bylaws
- A list of the names and contact information for the chapter’s officers
- A copy of the chapter’s Articles of Incorporation (if applicable)
- A copy of the chapter’s Standing Rules or Rules of Order (if chapter has same)
- The affiliate application package, once complete, must be sent to the director of member services at RID Headquarters.
- The director of member services will verify that all the petitioners are RID voting members in good standing.
- The director of member services will act as the liaison to the board of directors by presenting the package to the board.
- Once the board of directors formally approves or declines chapter status, the director of member services will notify the contact person from that potential chapter.
- At that time, the chapter will be considered affiliated with RID.
The benefits of being affiliated with RID include a support system comprised of national committees, staff and other affiliate chapter leaders; resources including a comprehensive handbook, mentoring grants and membership information and access to non-profit status through RID’s group exemption.

Get Involved
Vote on an organization level.
To request verification of your credentials, please complete and submit this form. For membership verifications, please check your Credly account.
AC Map.
North Dakota
Newly Certified Information.
Information on becoming certified and receiving your certificate can be found here.
A certificant’s newly certified cycle start date is the date that CASLI sends the exam results letter (the Results Sent date) and extends until December 31st of the year indicated by the following:
If the Results Sent date falls between 7/1/2020 and 6/30/2021…..Newly certified cycle ends 12/31/2025
If the Results Sent date falls between 7/1/2021 and 6/30/2022…..Newly certified cycle ends 12/31/2026
If the Results Sent date falls between 7/1/2022 and 6/30/2023…..Newly certified cycle ends 12/31/2027
Each successfully-completed certification cycle is followed by a four year certification cycle, running from January 1 of the first year through December 31 of the fourth year.
You can expect to receive a Newly Certified Packet from RID approximately 6-8 weeks after you have passed all required examinations and your results letter was sent. This packet will include your certificate and a congratulations letter. You should also receive an email when your new certification is added to your RID account with information about maintaining certification.
Note: you may begin earning CEUs for your new certification cycle any time on or after your certification start date.
In the event that your certificate arrives damaged, with incorrect spelling or information, or does not arrive at all (three weeks after being mailed), the certificate will be replaced once free of charge. This replacement request should be submitted in writing to
In the event that you lose your certificate, need a replacement certificate, want the name on the certificate updated due to a legal name change, or would simply like a duplicate certificate, you may purchase one on the RID website. Replacement certificates are processed once a month.
Maintaining current RID membership is a requirement for maintaining RID certification. If you are a current Associate Member at the time you achieve certification, your membership will automatically be converted into a Certified Membership. If you are not an Associate or Certified member at the time you achieve certification, you need to pay Certified Member dues to bring your membership into good standing. For more information, contact the Member Services Department at Keep in mind:
- Membership runs from July 1 through June 30 and is paid for annually.
- There is no extra charge for holding more than one RID certification or for holding specialty certification.
- Those who hold NAD certification must also keep their NAD certification dues in good standing with RID.
One of the privileges of achieving RID certification is the ability to show your credential on your business card, resume, brochures or other advertisements, etc. Your credentials (also called “post-nomial abbreviations”) should be displayed only after your full name (with or without middle initial) in the following order:
- Given names (Jr., II, etc.)
- Academic degrees from highest level to lowest level above a bachelor degree (bachelor degree credentials are not typically displayed)
- State licensure credentials
- Professional certifications (such as RID credentials)
Certificants who hold more than one RID certification should display them in the following order: IC, TC, IC/TC, CSC, MCSC, RSC, OIC:V/S, OIC:S/V, OIC:C, CI, CT, CI and CT, CDI, NIC, NIC Advanced, NIC Master, OTC, SC:PA, SC:L, NAD III, NAD IV, NAD V, Ed:K-12.
Digital Credentials: RID partnered with Credly to provide you with a digital version of your credentials. Digital badges can be used in email signatures or digital resumes, and on social media sites such as LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter. This digital image contains verified metadata that describes your qualifications and the process required to earn them.